You Can Have It All


Speaking For Money

The fact that one could be paid to speak revealed itself to me only when I was introduced to the Professional Speakers Association of India (PSAI). Sure, I was earning through my words even before that, but differently. As I began to understand the world of professional speaking, I realized that there are 5 ways to speak for money. And here they are: S2S – Speak To Sell – This is what I was doing […]

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What does it mean to Forgive and How does one do it?

It might be the most obvious thing once you think about it. To for-give is based in ‘giving’. As long as the mind remains in a ‘getting’ state, forgiveness cannot arise. Therefore, what it would mean to forgive, is to reach a state in which one has nothing to get/gain from another person or situation. And the person/situation is automatically forgiven. Since the desire to ‘get’ is anchored in the person who expects to receive

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Learn Reiki

Now, more than ever, the world needs healing. Maybe you do too. Or a loved one  Maybe you have heard of energy healing. Maybe even of the Japanese method called Reiki. And if so, you’ve probably heard that you need to learn from a master face to face. And maybe that has stopped you from exploring this incredible method. Not anymore!  Rei-Ki is two words, meaning Universal-Life force energy. It is the energy that exists

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Energy Environment Design Fundamentals

Designing an energy environment that is in harmony with your internal frequencies is the solution to everything. For example – and you will most likely find yourself on this list – If you [fill in the blank from below] then you have your solution in energy environment design. Tend to be late for important events Aren’t able to keep a check on emotions Have a mixed-up mind on priorities Are getting known for forgetting things

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How To Like People You Dislike

If there is someone you know or work with that you just cannot stand the sight of, how can you change your negative perception of that person? How do you turn back time on someone you never liked in the first meeting? First, let us address why it is important not to think ill of someone no matter how horrible or annoying they are to you. For starters, because it is not healthy! Not for

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Convergence of Consciousness and Commerce

I like the way Robert Kiyosaki, in his breakthrough book Cashflow Quadrant, assigns all of commerce into 4 types of thinking, which he presents in 4 quadrants. On the left is the “E-quadrant”, of the “Employee” who generally believes one has to work hard, get good grades and get a job. The job is the goal. And the “S-quadrant”, which is of “Self-employed” people who desire more autonomy and hence start businesses or are professionally

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sandeep nath

A Shortcut to Equanimity

Imagine living in a state where the ups and downs of life don’t mess up your experience of it. Where your state remains as is, regardless of whatever happens. Sounds yogic, right? Not really. Like me, you too may have been amazed to see the growing number of people who have recently been writing about and speaking on ascending to states of higher consciousness. A lot of experimentation has been happening in this field in the

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The 5 Categories of Gurus

Recently, during a break at the Reiki channeling session I was conducting, a very interesting discussion about Gurus cropped up. The trigger was the question a participant raised, “How can we know whom to follow? There seem to be so many people offering self-improvement stuff.” After a lot of views had been expressed, bringing in everyone from Dalai Lama to Ramdev Baba to Eckhart Tolle and Jon Kabat-Zinn, I found myself (obviously guided by universal

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