You Can Have It All


Building Resilience as a Habit with Qigong

Life is a constant dance with change. New jobs, new relationships, even seemingly mundane things like a traffic jam or a rainy day – all throw a curveball into our carefully constructed routines.  Sometimes, these changes are exciting, propelling us forward. Other times, they feel like a hurricane, leaving us stressed, disoriented, and overwhelmed. The key to navigating this ever-shifting landscape isn’t about finding coping mechanisms to “get through” the tough times. It’s about building […]

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How to be as Mindful as a Zen Master

Let’s face it, in our fast-paced world, forgetting things is practically a fashion trend. Keys get misplaced, birthdays are missed (sorry Aunt Mildred!), and sometimes we even forget we have a head altogether – especially when faced with a low-hanging ceiling plastered with a hilariously unhelpful sign that reads “Mind Your Head.” This is where mindfulness comes in. Mindfulness isn’t about remembering your grocery list (although it wouldn’t hurt!), it’s about cultivating a present-moment awareness

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How Purposeful Detachment Opens Possibilities

In our pursuit of success and fulfillment, we often get entangled in the idea that clinging tightly to goals and outcomes is the key. But what if the opposite – detachment – held the true potential for growth? This concept can be counterintuitive, so let’s explore it through a simple analogy. Imagine a USB port. When connected to a compatible device, it allows for seamless data transfer and power supply. This attachment serves a specific

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4 Hacks to Reprogram Your Stress

Imagine yourself running down the street. Warm sun on your skin, the wind whispering through your hair. Sounds idyllic, right? But then a neighbor shouts out to you: “Go win the marathon for us this year!” That careless remark can morph your happy jog into a stressful dash towards a future finish line. You envision other runners. Your pace quickens, the breeze feels harsh, and the sunshine mocks your burning lungs. See how a simple

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What to expect from the best Mastermind Groups?

Liz Scully ranks among the leading authorities in the world in the field of conducting professional masterminds. I had the good fortune of picking her brains 1on1 to understand what makes the world’s best mastermind groups deliver unmatchable value to their members. Here are my top five learnings: CAREFUL CURATION Before forming the mastermind the facilitator must ensure that there is a clear fit for each participant. If not, prospects could be placed in later

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My Journey in Rediscovering Myself

Note from Sandeep Nath: This post is written by my guest Kavita Chadha. I only share the bookends for context. The end at mid-October 2023 is captured in the image accompanying this post. Such messages started appearing mysteriously in Kavita’s insta-feed every other day. Each one extremely reflective of her state of mind. As I always say, your inner power changes your outer reality. This image was the first of her new reality. This post

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