You Can Have It All


Energy Environment Design Fundamentals

Designing an energy environment that is in harmony with your internal frequencies is the solution to everything. For example – and you will most likely find yourself on this list – If you [fill in the blank from below] then you have your solution in energy environment design. Tend to be late for important events Aren’t able to keep a check on emotions Have a mixed-up mind on priorities Are getting known for forgetting things […]

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How Exercise Increases Productivity

To increase your productivity, and grow mentally, physically, spiritually and financially, there is one simple starting point. Exercise. Yes… Exercise! Now you wonder, what does exercise have to do with productivity or growth? Exercise has only to do with being physically strong and perhaps fit, but you don’t have the time for that – nor the inclination – unless you could be more productive in your existing time. It’s a sort of vicious cycle.. So

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How To Like People You Dislike

If there is someone you know or work with that you just cannot stand the sight of, how can you change your negative perception of that person? How do you turn back time on someone you never liked in the first meeting? First, let us address why it is important not to think ill of someone no matter how horrible or annoying they are to you. For starters, because it is not healthy! Not for

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Does Reiki work for everyone?

We are all made of energy. Each of the little atoms that we are made of, is vibrating at a certain frequency that makes us part of the energetic pattern of the universe. The universe, on its part, is the infinite source of energy that powers the greatest good for everything and everyone. It is benign, unbiased, omnipresent and omnipotent. To use an analogy, the individual is like a ripple on the vast ocean of

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sandeep nath

The ABC of Qigong

Let me start by telling you the most difficult part about Qigong. It is ‘pronouncing the word’ correctly! Really… I’ve heard people say chingon, cuigong, chuikong, quinto… and numerous other variations that are more familiar to the uninitiated tongue. The right pronunciation however is “chikung”. Many people write it the same way Chi-Kung, and that is good to pronounce. However, the reason it starts with the alphabet ‘Q’ is to differentiate it from ‘Ch’, which

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