You Can Have It All

Energy Environment Design Fundamentals

Designing an energy environment that is in harmony with your internal frequencies is the solution to everything. For example – and you will most likely find yourself on this list – If you [fill in the blank from below] then you have your solution in energy environment design.

  • Tend to be late for important events
  • Aren’t able to keep a check on emotions
  • Have a mixed-up mind on priorities
  • Are getting known for forgetting things
  • Never have the time to do what you mean to
  • Feel a sense of hollowness inside
  • Find people running you down/over at work
  • Are unable to sustain interest or attention
  • Have this nagging feeling of being ‘behind’
  • Tend to break promises, to yourself especially
  • Sleep tired and broken, or wake up that way
  • Are out of shape and not loving it

So what is Energy Environment Design?

To truly appreciate the answer to this, let us first agree on one thing. And that is a relatively easy-to-agree-on idea, because science has been able to quantify and document it… that everything, animate or inanimate, is made up of vibrating masses called atoms.

Now if atoms are in vibration, ostensibly there is movement. And where there is motion, there are frequencies. Hence everything is moving in a particular frequency setting. When frequencies match, there is synergy. When they don’t, there is interference or friction.

Energy environment design therefore is a method of making oneself aware of the nano-movements internal and external to oneself and aligning them with nano-movements of whatever we seek to create a relationship with.

Now you might be wondering, is it even possible to measure that kind of stuff? Has anyone done it? And the answer is Zen-like. “There is no need to measure. There is a need only to sense.” Measurements are for scientists because that is what they can present as “evidence”. But what is “evident” simply manifests… and science has still to figure that out.

Returning to the list above, for example, lateness manifests. You can measure how late you are… but you can’t be not-late unless you change your attitude about that lateness manifesting. Likewise, for the second point, can you ever document a ‘Emotional Balance Governing Policy’ that declares that you will always be 79% happier in your dealings and 42% less angry? If no, you get the drift.

Attitude in fact arises from emotion. And emotion is energy in motion. So when you get a handle on your energy, you get a handle on your attitude. You send out different ‘vibes’, which is short for ‘vibrations’. And you drive your being with ‘feeling’.

Feeling is the tool for energy environment design

To feel is to sense. And to feel deeply is to develop greater sensitivity. This is something meditators have known since several thousand years before the scientists came along. Super-meditator and founder of the Shambala School of life/Buddhist teachings, Chogyam Trungpa, eloquently uses the word “Drala” to refer to a concept not substantially different from one’s energy environment.

In his book, ‘The Sacred Path of the Warrior’, he explains how “there has to be a certain gentleness and openness in us to recognise the energy of non-aggression (drala). Bravery is the courage to be – to live without deception; with kindness and caring – which makes us one with the elements – to magnetise drala. External drala, which is the attitude of sacredness towards one’s environment. And Internal drala: which syncs the body with clothes, diet, food and talk.”

So if one can’t be meditating in the mountains can one ever develop this ‘feeling’? Yes! All you need to do is remember the word PACE in your daily life. PACE yourself with your energy environment… and this is an acronym, in case you haven’t guessed.

P stands for Pause. To not let the hustle and bustle of life around you overwhelm you, learn to create a habit of taking a 5-minute break every hour of two. What you do in the 5 minutes is a different subject, but one thing you can do is bring to mind on whatever you have been doing and move to A.

A is for Accept. For accepting without judgement, the doings by yourself and by others. Like an observer not impacted by the consequences. If you can bring the P and A into shorter intervals (like in the heat of an argument) you will change the frequencies right there. And that will happen quite easily once this exact habit-forming process (see TBHAR principle) takes root in you.

C stands for Check. Check how the DOings relate with your BEing (feeling). Remember we are human beings and not human doings for a reason. Because in BEing, we are connected with our energy environment and in fact play the creator’s role in shaping it. So if you have been doing something driven by your Thinking on the matter, which not in sync with your Feeling on it, bingo you have learned how to sense the nanofrequencies we were referring to earlier in this article.

And finally E, is to Exit. Do not hold onto the happening, or gloat over your non-judgementality, or hang in there analyzing your resonances. Simply BE in the now, neither in the past nor in the future. And continue to fine-tune the intervals at which you can PACE yourself, which you will quite soon be doing without actually needing the break.

Is PACE a Mindfulness tool?

Some might have come across similar processes in mindfulness learnings. As a coach certified by Palouse Mindfulness, I am familiar with the acronym RAIN, to apply for developing greater sensitivity to instants of awareness. However, to PACE yourself energetically is one of the 4 foundations of the BioHacking System that I have developed for peak performance and productivity in the modern world. I have distilled the wisdom of numberless masters in arriving at just 4 things that one needs to do… to design one’s energy environment for incredible results… without needing any extra time, money, apparatus or company. In fact, even without meditation or yoga!

BioHacking your mind and body for Doubling Workday Productivity is a broader subject incorporating energy environment design for sure. Drop in your details below and I’ll be happy to invite you to a webinar the next time I conduct one.

The featured image was created by GarryKillian –