You Can Have It All

Energy Channels

Building Resilience as a Habit with Qigong

Life is a constant dance with change. New jobs, new relationships, even seemingly mundane things like a traffic jam or a rainy day – all throw a curveball into our carefully constructed routines.  Sometimes, these changes are exciting, propelling us forward. Other times, they feel like a hurricane, leaving us stressed, disoriented, and overwhelmed. The key to navigating this ever-shifting landscape isn’t about finding coping mechanisms to “get through” the tough times. It’s about building […]

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Breathing To De-Stress

We learn everything that we do in life. We learn to eat with our mouths. We learn to walk. We learn professional skills. Maybe performing arts. Management… you get the idea. For anything that we think we have to do, we learn – and practice. Only to realize that life can continue even without it! But there’s one thing that we have to do – else life will strictly not continue. And our only formal

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Learn Reiki

Now, more than ever, the world needs healing. Maybe you do too. Or a loved one  Maybe you have heard of energy healing. Maybe even of the Japanese method called Reiki. And if so, you’ve probably heard that you need to learn from a master face to face. And maybe that has stopped you from exploring this incredible method. Not anymore!  Rei-Ki is two words, meaning Universal-Life force energy. It is the energy that exists

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How Exercise Increases Productivity

To increase your productivity, and grow mentally, physically, spiritually and financially, there is one simple starting point. Exercise. Yes… Exercise! Now you wonder, what does exercise have to do with productivity or growth? Exercise has only to do with being physically strong and perhaps fit, but you don’t have the time for that – nor the inclination – unless you could be more productive in your existing time. It’s a sort of vicious cycle.. So

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Does Reiki work for everyone?

We are all made of energy. Each of the little atoms that we are made of, is vibrating at a certain frequency that makes us part of the energetic pattern of the universe. The universe, on its part, is the infinite source of energy that powers the greatest good for everything and everyone. It is benign, unbiased, omnipresent and omnipotent. To use an analogy, the individual is like a ripple on the vast ocean of

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Chakras & Meridians

This is a huge subject and there are many authoritative books to set you on the right track. This simplified illustration will help you get started and understand what several Qigong and Reiki techniques I teach refer to. On the left are the 7 chakras, or receptors of energy. You can think of them as antennae which operate through the layers of our aura (the invisible energy shell encapsulating each energy body – like an

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