Hi, I'm Sandeep Nath and I invite you to
renew your energy
renewal of body, mind, spirit for individuals
renewal of people, process, purpose for organizations
a radical, holistic, integrated approach to improve performance, productivity, profitability

My early years
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With an IIT-IIM education, I’ve spent 25 years in corporate space, running my own company for 15. We served top multi-nationals, governments, and startups as strategic brand communications consultants. I was a serial entrepreneur, Rotary President, TV Producer and winner of crazy recognitions by age 30

first switch & authorship
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Disturbed by the stress and humanlessness arising in the corporate world, I embarked on my consciousness journeys which took me to Vedic Gurus, Himalayan monasteries, Dao & Zen Masters and resulted in the highly acclaimed book that bridges commerce and consciousness;
Arrive At Success
Arrive At Success

second switch & renewal
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On returning from the Himalayas, I spent 6 years working in remote villages across India, empowering women and micro-entrepreneurs using cloud technology and solar energy products and grids. This laid the base for new energy, purpose and consciousness for the world, captured in my 2nd book, RENEWAL

thought leadership
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I have co-authored another two books plus a popular eBook on stress! I have served the executive boards of GYMHA, Australia and PSAI, India. I rank among the top mental health experts worldwide. As part of the #RENEWALism Movement I founded, I am on a crusade against harmful stress in the world

global empowerment
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As a Professional Speaker, I’ve travelled to over 30 countries across 4 continents. My wife and I have conducted workshops and trainings on Mindful Living and Qigong in over 46 cities. I am an International Reiki Master, Belief Clearing Coach, and multiple award-winning Mindfulness Expert