You Can Have It All

Energy Work

The Three Definitive Dimensions of Our Fascinating Existence

You’ve experienced Space and Time. Not fascinating enough to blow your socks off. What’s fascinating is that there is a trinity to everything. Completeness always lies in threes. So you say, Length, Breath, and Height. And I say yes… perfect… that’s only the Space dimension. Then you say Past, Present, and Future. And I agree… you have the components of the Time dimension. So you ask, “Do we have three dimensions or four?” And I […]

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How to be as Mindful as a Zen Master

Let’s face it, in our fast-paced world, forgetting things is practically a fashion trend. Keys get misplaced, birthdays are missed (sorry Aunt Mildred!), and sometimes we even forget we have a head altogether – especially when faced with a low-hanging ceiling plastered with a hilariously unhelpful sign that reads “Mind Your Head.” This is where mindfulness comes in. Mindfulness isn’t about remembering your grocery list (although it wouldn’t hurt!), it’s about cultivating a present-moment awareness

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4 Hacks to Reprogram Your Stress

Imagine yourself running down the street. Warm sun on your skin, the wind whispering through your hair. Sounds idyllic, right? But then a neighbor shouts out to you: “Go win the marathon for us this year!” That careless remark can morph your happy jog into a stressful dash towards a future finish line. You envision other runners. Your pace quickens, the breeze feels harsh, and the sunshine mocks your burning lungs. See how a simple

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My Aspiration/Belief

I aspire to make a difference in the way we human beings live, work, interact, prioritize, and evaluate ourselves and each other. My belief in this stems from a readiness I perceive, to raise human consciousness. I believe we are destroying ourselves mindlessly, driven by the vested interests of a few who have gained the power to drive them. Are you still with me? Can you see yourself as an agent of change? What have

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Learn Reiki

Now, more than ever, the world needs healing. Maybe you do too. Or a loved one  Maybe you have heard of energy healing. Maybe even of the Japanese method called Reiki. And if so, you’ve probably heard that you need to learn from a master face to face. And maybe that has stopped you from exploring this incredible method. Not anymore!  Rei-Ki is two words, meaning Universal-Life force energy. It is the energy that exists

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sandeep nath

A Shortcut to Equanimity

Imagine living in a state where the ups and downs of life don’t mess up your experience of it. Where your state remains as is, regardless of whatever happens. Sounds yogic, right? Not really. Like me, you too may have been amazed to see the growing number of people who have recently been writing about and speaking on ascending to states of higher consciousness. A lot of experimentation has been happening in this field in the

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