You Can Have It All


Building Resilience as a Habit with Qigong

Life is a constant dance with change. New jobs, new relationships, even seemingly mundane things like a traffic jam or a rainy day – all throw a curveball into our carefully constructed routines.  Sometimes, these changes are exciting, propelling us forward. Other times, they feel like a hurricane, leaving us stressed, disoriented, and overwhelmed. The key to navigating this ever-shifting landscape isn’t about finding coping mechanisms to “get through” the tough times. It’s about building […]

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How to be as Mindful as a Zen Master

Let’s face it, in our fast-paced world, forgetting things is practically a fashion trend. Keys get misplaced, birthdays are missed (sorry Aunt Mildred!), and sometimes we even forget we have a head altogether – especially when faced with a low-hanging ceiling plastered with a hilariously unhelpful sign that reads “Mind Your Head.” This is where mindfulness comes in. Mindfulness isn’t about remembering your grocery list (although it wouldn’t hurt!), it’s about cultivating a present-moment awareness

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How Purposeful Detachment Opens Possibilities

In our pursuit of success and fulfillment, we often get entangled in the idea that clinging tightly to goals and outcomes is the key. But what if the opposite – detachment – held the true potential for growth? This concept can be counterintuitive, so let’s explore it through a simple analogy. Imagine a USB port. When connected to a compatible device, it allows for seamless data transfer and power supply. This attachment serves a specific

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Source Code

This story by Sandeep Nath was the finalist (Sci-Fi category) at the awards competition. Enjoy the drama and philosophy of the Source Code of consciousness! – Green Stories Dexter had to find the answer in the next two hours or he would die. He had entertained the question for what seemed like an eternity. Now there was no humor left. And his granny was going to perish too. He fondly thought of her and

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How can we become Always Grateful?

If you are reading this, you are probably familiar with the power of gratitude. To be grateful for whatever happens, is a quality that all achievers claim among their strengths. It is a must-have attitude for success. But the part left unsaid is, how does one develop that attitude of gratitude? To achieve this, let us first understand what stops us from being grateful for everything as it happens. Take a pause and make a

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Speaking For Money

The fact that one could be paid to speak revealed itself to me only when I was introduced to the Professional Speakers Association of India (PSAI). Sure, I was earning through my words even before that, but differently. As I began to understand the world of professional speaking, I realized that there are 5 ways to speak for money. And here they are: S2S – Speak To Sell – This is what I was doing

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How Exercise Increases Productivity

To increase your productivity, and grow mentally, physically, spiritually and financially, there is one simple starting point. Exercise. Yes… Exercise! Now you wonder, what does exercise have to do with productivity or growth? Exercise has only to do with being physically strong and perhaps fit, but you don’t have the time for that – nor the inclination – unless you could be more productive in your existing time. It’s a sort of vicious cycle.. So

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