You Can Have It All


How Purposeful Detachment Opens Possibilities

In our pursuit of success and fulfillment, we often get entangled in the idea that clinging tightly to goals and outcomes is the key. But what if the opposite – detachment – held the true potential for growth? This concept can be counterintuitive, so let’s explore it through a simple analogy. Imagine a USB port. When connected to a compatible device, it allows for seamless data transfer and power supply. This attachment serves a specific […]

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Speaking For Money

The fact that one could be paid to speak revealed itself to me only when I was introduced to the Professional Speakers Association of India (PSAI). Sure, I was earning through my words even before that, but differently. As I began to understand the world of professional speaking, I realized that there are 5 ways to speak for money. And here they are: S2S – Speak To Sell – This is what I was doing

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The 5 Categories of Gurus

Recently, during a break at the Reiki channeling session I was conducting, a very interesting discussion about Gurus cropped up. The trigger was the question a participant raised, “How can we know whom to follow? There seem to be so many people offering self-improvement stuff.” After a lot of views had been expressed, bringing in everyone from Dalai Lama to Ramdev Baba to Eckhart Tolle and Jon Kabat-Zinn, I found myself (obviously guided by universal

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Getting Unstuck

It can happen to any of us, anywhere, anytime. It could happen at work. It could happen in bed. It could even happen while writing an article like this one. What? We could get stuck. Stuck for ideas on ways forward. Or worse, stuck in ways of thinking, working, doing and being, which are driven by habits that are hardened so firmly that we fail to even recognize that these habits of stuckness were instilled

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“I’ve got a job to do”

There are a few statements that disturb me. One of them is “I’ve got a job to do”. Hollywood has made this line extremely glamorous. But as a consciousness/wellness guide, I am concerned where such aggrandized declarations are taking society. You see, the first thing that must bother anyone is that a ‘job’ is a rather miserable thing to have. ‘Job’, by definition is “a task or piece of work, especially one that is paid”.

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sandeep nath

Can machines replace human beings?

It is always quite fascinating, the way people embrace technology as the ultimate panacea and yardstick for human development. A lot of people also fear that technology will replace them someday… and that fear is not completely unfounded. A small thing like a phone-app has replaced the Secretary. At several airports check-in staff are no longer needed even for baggage handling. And the possibilities with robotics are well captured by Hollywood, becoming realities year after

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What is Consciousness?

Consciousness is the manifestation of energy that allows the conscious object to be aware of the causality of its environment. Being in higher consciousness is being in higher awareness, more sensitive to subtler levels of changes of cause and effect. It also implies being more adaptable to the perceived changes from the point of view of the environment one is impacting due to one’s own direct or indirect involvement. Having studied several definitions of this

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Identifying Life Purpose

Purpose is not about what you achieve; Purpose is why you exist. It is like a Guiding Star. A sailor does not aim to reach the star but constantly checks his course based on the star’s position relative to his boat. Similarly, our lives are directed toward our vision. That is what must be realized. And how do we know we are going to eventually realize our vision? For this, we set up missions in

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