You Can Have It All


What does it mean to Forgive and How does one do it?

It might be the most obvious thing once you think about it. To for-give is based in ‘giving’. As long as the mind remains in a ‘getting’ state, forgiveness cannot arise. Therefore, what it would mean to forgive, is to reach a state in which one has nothing to get/gain from another person or situation. And the person/situation is automatically forgiven. Since the desire to ‘get’ is anchored in the person who expects to receive […]

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Convergence of Consciousness and Commerce

I like the way Robert Kiyosaki, in his breakthrough book Cashflow Quadrant, assigns all of commerce into 4 types of thinking, which he presents in 4 quadrants. On the left is the “E-quadrant”, of the “Employee” who generally believes one has to work hard, get good grades and get a job. The job is the goal. And the “S-quadrant”, which is of “Self-employed” people who desire more autonomy and hence start businesses or are professionally

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