You Can Have It All

What to expect from the best Mastermind Groups?

Liz Scully ranks among the leading authorities in the world in the field of conducting professional masterminds.

I had the good fortune of picking her brains 1on1 to understand what makes the world’s best mastermind groups deliver unmatchable value to their members. Here are my top five learnings:


Before forming the mastermind the facilitator must ensure that there is a clear fit for each participant. If not, prospects could be placed in later groups, with others having similar vibes. Each group’s members must they feel they are in the right room from Day-1. They must sense they are learning something useful and their trust in the curator stands validated.


The mastermind facilitator must ensure that each group member senses a valuable exchange in every session. Between sessions the facilitator could 1on1 to fill gaps and address needs to ensure that the group stays on the same page and each member advances to their goals steadily. All support and advice must be made available.


In the pre-mastermind call – and at most before the first group session ends – each member must be able to articulate 3 Gives and 3 Gets. These are the things they will definitely walk away with thanks to their investing in the mastermind. These could be professional leaps or personal clarities/victories.


The motivation for each member of a high-end mastermind is not mere accountability. It is the pursuit of a big idea. About validating why they do what they do, and how they can move up personally and professionally in terms of happiness and fulfilment. Solid masterminds do not merely talk shop.


A mastermind is about thinking clearly and getting results by investing 12 months on a specific vision. Members recover many times their investment because they are listened to by diverse, experienced minds who co-inhabit their vision and talk them through it, as they fine-tune and implement.

I am currently curating my next mastermind for Business Owners, Senior Executives and Professionals. You are welcome to express your interest at this page: Please keep 10 minutes aside to read and reflect on this page. And feel free to share it with someone in your circle.

PS: In my mind, the returns on Masterminding are 5x of Coaching. I say this as a coach and I offer mastermind members my coaching support at no extra charge! All I want is to ensure that members realize their stated goals faster and easier.