You Can Have It All


How To Like People You Dislike

If there is someone you know or work with that you just cannot stand the sight of, how can you change your negative perception of that person? How do you turn back time on someone you never liked in the first meeting? First, let us address why it is important not to think ill of someone no matter how horrible or annoying they are to you. For starters, because it is not healthy! Not for […]

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sandeep nath

The ABC of Qigong

Let me start by telling you the most difficult part about Qigong. It is ‘pronouncing the word’ correctly! Really… I’ve heard people say chingon, cuigong, chuikong, quinto… and numerous other variations that are more familiar to the uninitiated tongue. The right pronunciation however is “chikung”. Many people write it the same way Chi-Kung, and that is good to pronounce. However, the reason it starts with the alphabet ‘Q’ is to differentiate it from ‘Ch’, which

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Identifying Life Purpose

Purpose is not about what you achieve; Purpose is why you exist. It is like a Guiding Star. A sailor does not aim to reach the star but constantly checks his course based on the star’s position relative to his boat. Similarly, our lives are directed toward our vision. That is what must be realized. And how do we know we are going to eventually realize our vision? For this, we set up missions in

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