RENEWALism is about renewing human consciousness so that we can live and work more mindfully. One of the key aspects of mindful living is understanding how we make decisions. This post will explore the insights of Nobel Prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman, whose work revealed that human beings are not always rational in their decision-making. In particular, we will focus on how his work can help us to overcome the fear of risk, which can prevent Read More
You’ve experienced Space and Time. Not fascinating enough to blow your socks off. What’s fascinating is that there is a trinity to everything. Completeness always lies in threes. So you say, Length, Breath, and Height. And I say yes… perfect… that’s only the Space dimension. Then you say Past, Present, and Future. And I agree… you have the components of the Time dimension. So you ask, “Do we have three dimensions or four?” And I Read More
Life is a constant dance with change. New jobs, new relationships, even seemingly mundane things like a traffic jam or a rainy day – all throw a curveball into our carefully constructed routines. Sometimes, these changes are exciting, propelling us forward. Other times, they feel like a hurricane, leaving us stressed, disoriented, and overwhelmed. The key to navigating this ever-shifting landscape isn’t about finding coping mechanisms to “get through” the tough times. It’s about building Read More
Let’s face it, in our fast-paced world, forgetting things is practically a fashion trend. Keys get misplaced, birthdays are missed (sorry Aunt Mildred!), and sometimes we even forget we have a head altogether – especially when faced with a low-hanging ceiling plastered with a hilariously unhelpful sign that reads “Mind Your Head.” This is where mindfulness comes in. Mindfulness isn’t about remembering your grocery list (although it wouldn’t hurt!), it’s about cultivating a present-moment awareness Read More
Discipline. It’s a word that often evokes images of forced hard work and rigid routines. But what if there was a more holistic way to understand discipline, one that empowers rather than restricts? In this blog post, I’ll explore discipline through the lens of body, mind, and spirit, a framework I believe unlocks its true potential. The Three Pillars of D.I.S.C.I.P.L.I.N.E. D.I.S. = Directing Inner Strength (Mind): Discipline begins with the mind. It’s about harnessing Read More
In our pursuit of success and fulfillment, we often get entangled in the idea that clinging tightly to goals and outcomes is the key. But what if the opposite – detachment – held the true potential for growth? This concept can be counterintuitive, so let’s explore it through a simple analogy. Imagine a USB port. When connected to a compatible device, it allows for seamless data transfer and power supply. This attachment serves a specific Read More
Imagine yourself running down the street. Warm sun on your skin, the wind whispering through your hair. Sounds idyllic, right? But then a neighbor shouts out to you: “Go win the marathon for us this year!” That careless remark can morph your happy jog into a stressful dash towards a future finish line. You envision other runners. Your pace quickens, the breeze feels harsh, and the sunshine mocks your burning lungs. See how a simple Read More
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and neglect our well-being. But what if I told you there’s an ancient wisdom that gives us incredible indicators of health and happiness? This wisdom doesn’t come from fancy tests or expensive treatments, but from a simple connection with ourselves and how our internal state manifests in the external world. Enter the 8 indicators of Health – a framework I’ve developed Read More
In today’s world, negativity seems to cling to us like static on a bad connection. A rude comment online, a backhanded compliment from a colleague – negativity can take us from calm to flustered in a heartbeat. But what if I told you there’s a conscious way to navigate these situations with grace and even come out stronger on the other side? For years, I’ve been fascinated by the connection between our internal state and Read More