You Can Have It All

Limiting Beliefs

Too much of anything is NOT bad

“Too much of anything is bad, but too much good whiskey is barely enough.” This might have been said in jest, but the idea has lent itself to examination for several millennia. Chanakya, a strategic advisor to the largest Indian kingdom of the 2nd century BC, observed that too much of anything is poison. This applies to power, wealth, hunger, ego, greed, laziness, love, ambition, hate, or any other state of mind. And ostensibly, even […]

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How can we become Always Grateful?

If you are reading this, you are probably familiar with the power of gratitude. To be grateful for whatever happens, is a quality that all achievers claim among their strengths. It is a must-have attitude for success. But the part left unsaid is, how does one develop that attitude of gratitude? To achieve this, let us first understand what stops us from being grateful for everything as it happens. Take a pause and make a

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Do Flying Fish Have Walking Shoes?

They swim. They fly. Might walking be a priority? How does one set priorities? Well, if that is the question on your mind, here’s what I have found after studying scores of business gurus and spiritual masters. To set your priorities, you must follow a 5-level formula.  The 5 Levels of Priorities All successful achievers who take responsibility for the welfare of large communities, organizations, and even fans, keep to the same sequence of what

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Mind it, Mom!

What is more important than Maths, Physics, Chemistry, or Biology, Geography, History or Languages? What’s more important than all the subjects that you attach so much importance to, and often engage expensive tutors for? The answer is, developing the ability in your kids to assimilate these subjects, and to extract from them, the aspects that help create lives of happiness and significance. So where can kids get to acquire this ability? Nowhere! And that sadly

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Speaking For Money

The fact that one could be paid to speak revealed itself to me only when I was introduced to the Professional Speakers Association of India (PSAI). Sure, I was earning through my words even before that, but differently. As I began to understand the world of professional speaking, I realized that there are 5 ways to speak for money. And here they are: S2S – Speak To Sell – This is what I was doing

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What does it mean to Forgive and How does one do it?

It might be the most obvious thing once you think about it. To for-give is based in ‘giving’. As long as the mind remains in a ‘getting’ state, forgiveness cannot arise. Therefore, what it would mean to forgive, is to reach a state in which one has nothing to get/gain from another person or situation. And the person/situation is automatically forgiven. Since the desire to ‘get’ is anchored in the person who expects to receive

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How To Like People You Dislike

If there is someone you know or work with that you just cannot stand the sight of, how can you change your negative perception of that person? How do you turn back time on someone you never liked in the first meeting? First, let us address why it is important not to think ill of someone no matter how horrible or annoying they are to you. For starters, because it is not healthy! Not for

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The 5 Categories of Gurus

Recently, during a break at the Reiki channeling session I was conducting, a very interesting discussion about Gurus cropped up. The trigger was the question a participant raised, “How can we know whom to follow? There seem to be so many people offering self-improvement stuff.” After a lot of views had been expressed, bringing in everyone from Dalai Lama to Ramdev Baba to Eckhart Tolle and Jon Kabat-Zinn, I found myself (obviously guided by universal

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Getting Unstuck

It can happen to any of us, anywhere, anytime. It could happen at work. It could happen in bed. It could even happen while writing an article like this one. What? We could get stuck. Stuck for ideas on ways forward. Or worse, stuck in ways of thinking, working, doing and being, which are driven by habits that are hardened so firmly that we fail to even recognize that these habits of stuckness were instilled

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